Feeling so much better

Feeling so much better, 2 steroid shots and back on prednisone, but the pain is almost all gone and I feel great. Lots of shaking but the meds. do that to me.
My son came to give me a hand and he took me to go see Tarzan and it was a great movie, the story line was really good.

We are at 104 today so the heat wave is still with us, and tomorrow it’s supposed to drop to 98 so that will be better.

Hands working better so it is time to start that baby sweater.
Love to all

Summer is here and thank goodness

Summer is here and thank goodness it has not been very hot.  We will be in the 100’s for the weekend but a nice summer so far.
I still have not been well, my Polymyalgia continues and have had a lot of pain, tapered off of Prednisone and for 6 weeks the pain has been awful.  Today they started me on Prednisone again at 10mg hopefully I will get some pain relief.
I am going to be a Great Grandmother again and it’s a Girl.  My daughter asked me if I could make a sweater, hat and blanket and of course I said yes.

This is the pattern that she picked out and I will be making. I  started the sweater but my hands have been hurting really bad so it’s been hard to continue knitting.  I hope it will be done by December, that is when the baby is due.